
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

My Proactive List

So, one of my primary concerns for our unexpectedly long stint in the U.S. (due to needing to leave China earlier than planned, and thus just stay there until the baby is born), has been how my husband will feel. I understand cultural difficulties, and how you miss things from home, and of course, a big bummer for him will be that he can't work because he will be on a visitor visa.

So, I have been brainstorming fun things to do and ways he can get involved and use his time to avoid feeling useless and bored.

Here's what I have come up with so far:
-Chinese church. We are both Christians, and I was pleasantly surprised to find that San Antonio has a couple of Chinese churches...he can go to fellowship in Mandarin, and maybe even get involved in volunteering.
-Animal shelters. We are both dog lovers, and are going to be missing our puppies, so I want to do some volunteer work with our local humane society.
-Teaching/tutoring Chinese. Namely, I want him to formally tutor me...I haven't formally studied at all since last year, and that will be a good use of time.
-Encouraging him to use 100% Mandarin when speaking with me (in China we use a mix of Chinese and English at home, and actually while he speaks Mandarin to me fairly frequently I usually speak English because I am so tired of speaking, reading, translating, and typing Mandarin at work all day). So this will be a way for him to keep from feeling too isolated while having to use English with everyone else (and allow us to have private conversations more easily since we don't know that many Mandarin speakers in our part of Texas, haha).
-Making him finish some parenting/baby books.
-Cooking. We both like trying new food and learning to cook, and honestly, the U.S. is more conducive to this than the area of China we live in).
-Letting him handle the volume of requests we get to bring back foreign products for people (maybe we can make some money off of that this time...haha). Although if one more person asks me to bring back an Apple product for them, I might scream!

Let me know if you guys have any great ideas!!

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